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Updated: May 26, 2021

Samphion brings to you few online dating tips to help you get the perfect match. Scroll down to read more on the topic.

Know what you want

Be clear in what you want, first know yourself and then focus on what you want from the other person. Knowing exactly what you need, will help you find a perfect one for you.

Be clear in what you want, first know yourself and then focus on what you want from the other person. Knowing exactly what you need, will help you find a perfect one for your head. And be clear about your intentions.

Keep a nice profile picture

Online Dating is where the other person will be interested in you by seeing your profile picture, so keep clear photos that will show your face clearly & don't keep group pictures which will be confusing others. A simple & smiling photo will be a good option to post as a profile photo. At Samphion you can also showcase your skills via photos, so post fun & clear pictures which will define you & your personality.

Describe yourself

Bio is the next most important thing to find a perfect match. Describe yourself in simple words. Mention your likes & dislikes wittily. Write in your bio what you are here for, a serious relationship or just for making friends.

For example:- If you are someone who loves to dance & looking for a serious relationship, you can write something witty like 'Here to find my permanent dance partner'

Don't be shy to take the first steps

Many of us feel shy to take the first steps, be open to messaging them they are also here to connect with someone don't be shy in messaging them first. Or when someone is messaging you, don't be shy to reply immediately. Be comfortable in talking and opening up.

Be transparent

Don't pretend to be someone else, be real you and be honest about your thoughts & feelings this will help you to connect with them easily. Also, convey to them why you are here. For example: If someone wants a serious relationship, but you don't, so be transparent about your intentions to them.

Ask yourself questions like, Why you are here? For what you are here? For being in a serious relationship or just meeting new people or making new friends. Stay clear in your head. And be clear about your intentions.

Things take time if you are chatting or meeting with someone & don't feel connected to them then don't get disappointed, you are here to explore things you will have to be patient in all this process. You will find a match that will be perfect for you.

"Match that matters!"


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